Reiki Treatment
$130 or 90€
Reiki treatments can be very beneficial for your pet in addition to veterinary care. They help speed up general recovery after surgery, manage pain in case of chronic illness and can be a great addition to the wellness program for elderly animals. Ideally, Reiki works best proactively to keep your pet healthy, physically, mentally and emotionally.
Treatments can be done remotely or in-person (travel fees apply – GTA only).
Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing physically and emotionally. The Reiki energy therapy brings harmony and has also a prophylactic effect. It works in conjunction with all other medical or therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects and promote recovery. For dying animals, Reiki can ease their transition and provide emotional support to their people.
I love animals and always work with their well-being in mind. Therefore, if on the day of the treatment, the animal is not open to receiving the Reiki energy (it may happen), I may need to reschedule as I would never force anything upon an animal. Treatments vary in time based on the animal's condition. Distant treatments range from 20 to 40 minutes whereas hands-on treatments may last from 40 minutes to an hour. In both cases, my approach is to charge per treatment regardless of the time as each treatment is tailored to each animal I work with.
During the treatment (whether face-to-face or remotely), I connect to your animal and ask for her permission to perform the treatment. I then share the information received with you once the treatment is finished. The information may relate to your animal, you as a guardian, or both. For your animal, this may include dietary adjustments, homeopathy, gemmotherapy, herbs, flower essences, colour therapy, and some acupressure points to practice, if necessary. Messages for the guardian may include flower essences and / or specific practices that I channel.

Animal Communication
$130 or 90€
Communicating intuitively with animals means mentally sending and receiving thoughts through images, words and emotions. In simple terms, it is telepathy. Animals communicate telepathically with their environment including other animals and humans. We, humans, possess this ability as well, although it is suppressed from a young age by our western culture. With practice, everyone can communicate intuitively with animals.
To connect with an animal, I need:
- a recent photo of your pet
- sex and age
- a brief description of the situation
- and the questions (up to 5) you'd like to ask your animal. Once I've made the connection and received the information, we schedule a 1h Zoom call for me to convey your animal's messages.
Animal communication sessions are great to understand behaviour/health issues or to prepare your pet before going away on vacation for instance.
The session may include suggested natural remedies and supplements to support your pet.
I communicate with animals in spirit as well and recommend to wait a minimum of 7 weeks after their passing before scheduling a session.

$100 per session
$130 for initial consultation
Acupressure, based on Traditional Chinese Medicine, is an alternative technique similar to acupuncture that has been used for thousands of years both on animals and people. The initial session is usually an hour while follow up sessions are about 45 minutes.
Traditional Chinese Medicine is based on the concept of life energy, or Chi, which flows through meridians in the body. By applying light physical pressure to specific points on the body (acupoints), the practitioner promotes the body's own healing by clearing blockages in the meridians and thus restoring balance.
Acupressure can help your dog or cat with:
Relieve muscle spasms
Build the immune system
Benefit chronic health issues
Strengthen muscles, tendons, joints, and bones
Balance energy to optimize the body’s natural ability to heal
Release natural cortisone to reduce swelling and inflammation
Release endorphins necessary to increase energy or relieve pain
Enhance mental clarity and calm required for focus in training and performance
Resolve injuries more readily by increasing the blood supply and removing toxins
If it's been 6 MONTHS OR MORE, you need to book an initial consultation again

raw dog food nutrition
contact me for pricing
Raw feeding has numerous benefits for your dog's health. If you've been thinking about switching from kibble to a raw diet but don't know where to start, I can provide assistance.
I can:
Guide you step by step
Give tips for a smooth transition
Ensure your dog's diet is balanced and adapted to your dog's age and condition
Answer any questions you may have
You may have heard about the benefits of a raw diet but the information out there can be overwhelming. I hear you! I started feeding my dog raw food in 2012 because she was such a picky eater with her kibble. I decided to take the leap and I never looked back! This service is designed to offer you guidance and support during and after the transition to a raw diet.
If you are interested in learning more about the raw diet and want to ensure you are feeding you dog a balance diet, then I can provide you with all the support you need. It is not as complicated as you think and most of all, you'll see the results in your dog immediately!
Together we'll assess your dog's nutritional needs based on his/her age and health in an in-depth initial consultation. We'll meet once a week for 4 weeks (in person or by Skype) to ensure your pet is adjusting well to the raw diet.

Pet Grief /Anticipatory grief
Pack of 4 1 sessions of 1 h each: $450
(includes an animal communication session)
The loss of a pet can be devastating. With 10 + years experience supporting pets as they are crossing the rainbow bridge and helping guardians navigate the intense emotions of grief, I can provide a safe space to guide you through the process.
Grief can also happen in anticipation of the loss.
My approach is unique and combine midfulness, coaching tools and psychic messages from your pet.
Sessions are done remotely via Zoom