As most countries around the world begin easing restrictions regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, you may be preparing to return to work shortly. Your pet has grown accustomed to your constant presence and the 'return to normal life' will impact the routine that was set up during the isolation period. Some animals will have no trouble adjusting while others may show signs of stress such as:
- separation anxiety ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ - nervousness ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ - depression ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ - destructive behaviours (e.g. destroying furniture) ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ - lack of appetite or constantly asking for food ⠀

Here are 5 tips to help your pet adjust to their pre-isolation routine:
1. Take time to check in with yourself⠀
Our pets are very sensitive to our energy and our emotions and they can quickly absorb them like a sponge. My first advice is to tune into your body for tension and to connect with your emotions to become fully aware of how this transition period is affecting you. If you are excited to return to work, then this will help your pet adjust more quickly. However, if you are experiencing nervousness/anxiety at the thought of going back to work, then it may have an impact on your animal. Self care through sport, meditation, energy healing and emotion management techniques is crucial. The emotional well-being of your pet is linked to yours. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Journaling is another way to connect with your emotions and to bring to light some subconcious patterns. This process, although simple, is very liberating.
2. Talk to your animal
Although dogs and cats can recognize and understand the meaning of a limited number of words, they cannot understand the meaning of all words when you speak to them. That being said, animals have the ability to tune in to the energy behind your words, your thoughts (especially the images you have in mind when you speak), your emotions and your body language. All of this combined information helps them understand what you are saying when you talk to them. So do not hesitate to explain when and how their routine (and yours) will change. Talk to them about you resuming work, your hours, their meal time (if it will change), when they will go out for their walk or when play time will be. Be as specific as possible and make sure you stick to what you tell them. This aspect is very important because it allows you to cultivate a relationship of trust between you and your animal. If something unexpected prevents you from sticking to what you said to your animal, let them know and do your best to 'make up for it.' Finally, don't hesitate to repeat, possibly several times, what will happen in the days and weeks to come regarding yours and their routine.
3. Use the power of colours!
Colours are wavelengths that vibrate at a specific frequency. For example, purple has a high vibration frequency while red has a longer wavelength and therefore vibrates at a lower frequency. Light is energy and so each colour of the light spectrum contains energy and thus specific information. Working with colours means using the characteristics of each colour according to a problem. Dogs can see some colours while cats have a very narrow spectrum of colour perception. This is not a problem and it is not even necessary for the animal to see the colour as long as it is in their immediate environment (blankets, cushions, etc.). They can also wear it (e.g. necklace) or eat it (through specific foods). To calm the anxiety or depression that can be associated with a change in their routine, you can use light blue which helps calm the nervous system or light pink which can reduce the symptoms of separation anxiety.
4. Acupressure
Acupuncture or acupressure for veterinary use has been used since at least 2000 BC. Similar to humans, the pathologies observed in our dogs and cats are a sign of an imbalance in the circulation of Chi (vital energy) in the body. Any blockage of Chi can lead to physical, mental or emotional problems. The purpose of acupuncture or acupressure is to stimulate particular areas of the body that have specific characteristics to allow the Chi to flow freely again. Here are 3 points that you can stimulate on your animal, by applying very light pressure for one minute and to repeat once a day: - Yin Tan: point located at equal distance between the eyes - GV 20: point located at the top of the head. To locate it, find the ear canal then go up in a vertical straight line, towards the top of the skull. The point is located at an equal distance between the 2 ears. - Ba Hui: located in the lower back, along the spine, in the centre of the sacrum, where the back appears flat.
5. Explore other therapies
Crystals I like to work with crystals not only for me but for pets as well. I recommend 2 to help relieve anxiety: rose quartz and lepidolite. Before using your crystals, be sure to clean and program them. Place them in the places your pet likes and cleanse them regularly. Physical exercise - playtime Before your pre-isolation routine resumes, increase playtime and/or take longer walks with your dog so that they can channel their energy through mental stimulation and physical activity. Massage Massaging your pet not only is a wonderful way to bond and deepen the emotional connection with your pet, it also helps detoxify the body by improving blood and lymph circulation. This provides a state of well-being in your animal that can help them manage stress. Essential oils (EO) Lavender EO invites you to relax and I really like to use it for my animals and myself. I recommend using it in a diffuser only, diluted in water. EO can be toxic when used undiluted, topically (or even ingested), especially for cats.
Animal Communication
Animal communication and energy healing treatments are also modalities that can really support your pet emotionally and mentally through these difficult times. If, despite all that, nothing works, do not hesitate to consult your veterinarian.